Disclaimer & Policy:
- The comments and materials contained in this blog are purely based on my own opinion and experience at the time of visit.
- Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation with the restaurants, cafes or shops that I visited and reviewed.
- No liability will be accepted for translation or interpretation of content, even if due to grammar and punctuation errors.
- I reserve the right to change my mind as opinion can change. Posts from the past shall not and will not be construed to reflect my present opinions.
- Taste is a subjective matter, I shall not and will not be liable for any food experience arising out of use of this information.
- Comments are welcome, so please feel free to use the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to delete or remove excerpts from any comments for any reason whatsoever, if for example they are abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments. No liability can by accepted by the authors in respect of comments associated with the posts.
- Comments deemed to be spam or questionable spam will be deleted. Including a link to relevant content is permitted, but comments should be relevant to the post topic.
- The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice.
- Photos and content on this blog are copyrighted by the blog owner. Anyone who wish to use it, please contact myself to seek permission at forkknifeandchopsticks[at]gmail[dot]com before doing so.